Transition Track

I have reviewed and understand the program information posted under the link above.

Students that have previously been enrolled in the ADN Program will be considered as a Transition Re-admission Student. Re-admission to the program is possible ONLY for those students who passed the Transition to Professional Nursing (RNSG 1327) course during their previous admission. Selected applicants will retake all nursing courses required after admission to the program including the summer Transition to Professional Nursing course (RNSG 1327). RNSG 1311 (prerequisite course) will only need to be retaken if it has exceeded the 3year limit by the first day of class. Note - If a student is accepted as a new Transition student after failure of one course in the previous enrollment, the 2nd course failure rule continues to apply. The initial failure will count as the 1st failure and, if a student fails a course in the new enrollment, it will count as the 2nd failure and will result in dismissal from the program and ineligibility for re-admission or re-entry.

I have read and understand the policy listed above.

Generic Track

I have reviewed and understand the program information posted under the link above.

Students that have previously been enrolled in the ADN program will be considered as a Generic Re-admission Student and must apply as a new student in the Generic program. Selected applicants will retake all nursing courses required after admission to the program. RNSG 1311 (prerequisite course) will only need to be retaken if it has exceeded the 3 year limit by the first day of class. Note - If a student is accepted as a new Generic student after failure of one course in the previous enrollment, the 2nd course failure rule continues to apply. The initial failure will count as the 1st failure and, if a student fails a course in the new enrollment, it will count as the 2nd failure and will result in dismissal from the program and ineligibility for re-admission or re-entry.

I have reviewed and understand the program information posted under the link above.

Due to competitiveness for ADN Generic Track acceptance, all applicants may not be selected. As an ADN Generic Program applicant, students may elect to have their application sent to the Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN) Program Admission Committee to be considered for selection to the fall LVN Program at the Century City Center. This allows a second option for nursing program acceptance should the applicant be denied admission to the ADN Generic Program.


Nursing Transfer Program

I have reviewed and understand the program information posted under the link above.

Students are encouraged to take nursing courses in residence. An applicant seeking recognition of previously earned nursing credits at another college or university Nursing Program must meet all requirements for admission and be selected for admission. In addition, the applicant must submit:
  1. Course syllabus containing course outline(s) and course objective(s) for all earned nursing credits which are to be evaluated. A course description is not acceptable.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the Dean/Director of the Nursing Program previously attended.
  3. Any nursing courses which have been successfully completed more than three (3) years prior to admission into the program will not be valid for re-admission. If nursing courses were transferred in from another school and they are over the 3 year limit, they must be retaken also. Students who have not been enrolled in the Vernon College ADN program for three (3) or more years will have the option to retake the course or will be required to attain a satisfactory score on a comprehensive exam for each nursing course completed before readmission and demonstrate clinical competency in selected nursing procedures.
  4. A minimum grade point average of 2.75 will be required for admission.
  5. Transfer students selected for readmission will be required to perform the same criminal background check as newly admitted students.
  6. Students who think they may be ineligible for licensure due to criminal convictions, mental or physical disability, and/or intemperate use of drugs or alcohol should schedule an appointment with the program Director prior to admission to obtain instructions on petitioning the State Nursing Board for a declaratory order to determine their eligibility.

Upon receipt, the Nursing Admissions and Review Committee will review all materials to determine which, if any, credits will be considered transferable. Transferability is considered in terms of similarity in course content, course grades, course credits, and course sequence.

Applicants requesting consideration as a transfer student from another Nursing Program in which they could not progress will be considered on an individual basis.

After this review, qualified transfer students may be admitted on a space-available basis.

I have read and understand the policy listed above.

ADN Re-entry Program

I have reviewed and understand the program information and requirements posted under the link above for the ADN Re-entry Program.

Students who are unsuccessful in the Nursing Program may be considered for re-entry once. Students accepted for the VC Re-entry Program are not required to repeat courses in which they were previously successful. Various factors will determine re-entry eligibility. Students returning to the Nursing Program without consecutive learning and incurring a lapse of more than one year in their program of learning may be assessed additional cost of testing to determine placement level of re-entry. Students applying for re-entry must provide the Nursing Department with the cause for course interruption or course failure and the corrective actions to be taken to ensure course success if re-entry is granted.

Qualified applicants may be allowed to re-enter the program and enroll in the previously unsuccessful nursing course(s) on a space-available basis or based on other factors according to the following criteria:

  1. Applicants with a clinical failure will receive the lowest priority for re-entry.
  2. An applicant on scholastic probation or enforced withdrawal is not eligible for re-entry.
  3. An applicant may be considered for re-entry after two failures only if the applicant can justify re-entry. The Nursing Admissions Committee may consider extenuating circumstances.
  4. Any student approved for re-entry into the program will be required to provide proof of completion of a review course that is approved by the Director of Nursing, before the Director’s Affidavit for licensure application will be sent to the Texas Board of Nursing.
  5. An applicant who is approved for re-entry into the program may be allowed to enroll only if there is space available in the desired course and/or associated clinicals, and only if no other barriers to enrollment, such as program status, exist.
  6. Applicants with an overall GPA in the ADN program pre-requisite courses of less than 2.75 or a GPA in their RNSG courses of less than 2.0 will not be eligible for re-entry.
  7. Any nursing courses which have been successfully completed more than three (3) years prior to the first day of class after admission into the program will not be valid for re-entry. If nursing courses were transferred in from another school and they are over the 3 year limit, they must be retaken also. Students who have not been enrolled in the Vernon College ADN program for three (3) or more years will have the option to retake the course or will be required to attain a satisfactory score on a comprehensive exam for each nursing course completed before re-entry and demonstrate clinical competency in selected nursing procedures.
  8. Students approved for re-entry will be required to perform the same criminal background check as newly admitted students.
  9. Students who think they may be ineligible for licensure due to criminal convictions, mental or physical disability, and/or intemperate use of drugs or alcohol should schedule an appointment with the program Director prior to admission to obtain instructions on petitioning the State Nursing Board for a declaratory order to determine their eligibility.
  10. The LVN Transition course (RNSG 1327) is a "one time only" opportunity and re-entry into the LVN Transition program is not an available option for students who fail this course. Any student failing the LVN Transition course (RNSG 1327) may apply for the Generic program in the next available fall semester.

The student involved is responsible for calling on or before the beginning of registration to determine eligibility for enrollment. Any student approved for re-entry will be required to provide proof of completion of a review course approved by the Director of Nursing after completing program requirements and before the Director’s Affidavit for licensure application will be sent to the Texas Board of Nursing.

I have read and understand the policy listed above.

Vernon College - Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Application

Check only one from programs listed below. Each program has an individual checklist that covers openings and deadlines for testing, application and selection:
Personal identification and contact information:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
Middle Name:
Other Name:
* VC Colleague ID:
* ”My VC” Student Account Address (must be current and match account):
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
If Other,
Contact Number:
* VC E-Mail Address:
* Alternate Email Address:
Military Service:
Texas Board of Nursing Criminal Background Check (CBC) Verification:
* Date of Birth:
Open the calendar popup.
* Social Security Number:
* Address in which you receive mail:
Nursing Education Program
Have you ever attended a nursing education program?

Did you complete the program?

Have you ever taken the NCLEX?

Alternate Contact Information:
* Name:
* Relationship:
* Phone Number:
Employment Information:
Work Phone Number:
Licensures, Certificates, Training, and Transcripts Information
Licensures, certificates, and transcripts: uploaded copies of licensures and certifications must include expirations dates.
Vocational Programs Completed Outside Vernon College Only: an official copy of the Vocational Nursing Program transcript from a college outside of Vernon College must be on file in the office of admissions by the nursing deadline and uploaded to application. Students that completed the Vocational Program at Vernon College are not required to upload the vocational transcript. Do not upload your transcript unless you completed a vocational program at a college other than Vernon College.
Select all that apply.

Upload all required documentation:

Documented practice hours are a combination of all hours working under licensures, certifications, and training.

Documented Practice Hours:

Nursing Entrance Exam Test Information:
Only scores taken during the required testing period will be valid. To schedule an appointment to take the nursing entrance exam, contact the Vernon College Testing Center. HESI scores are valid during a 12 month period from the current program deadline date.

Texas Success Initiative (TSI):
TSI is required for all nursing students

If yes, what college?
If yes, what degree?
Enrolled at VC in the Last 12 Months
If yes, what college?
Nursing Essential Prerequisites and General Education Course Requirements
Please complete the following Nursing Essential Prerequisites and General Education Courses required for the nursing program. Students must have achieved a 2.75 or higher GPA on these courses listed below. On completed courses, the data for that course must not have any blanks. If you are enrolled in any course (IP), the college and credit hours must be left blank. The department is not responsible for any errors made on calculating your nursing GPA. The department will verify all courses.

28 Credit Hours GPA Chart (with LEAD Course)

Credit Hours
Courses/28 Credit Hours
Year or Enrolled (IP)
Letter Grade
Per Course Attempts
3 hours BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I (C or >)Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day. Required prior to First Semester/Level I
1 Hour BIOL 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I Lab (C or >)Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day. Required prior to First Semester/Level I
3 hours BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology II (C or >)Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day. Required First Semester/Level I
1 Hour BIOL 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II Lab (C or >)Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day. Required prior to First Semester/Level I
3 hours PSYC 2301 General Psychology
3 hours PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth and Development
3 hours 2320 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (C or >)
Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day
1 Hour BIOL 2120 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Lab (C or >)Not Valid if Greater Than 10 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day
3 hours RNSG 1311 Pathophysiology (A&P I must be taken prior to enrollment) (C or >) Not Valid if Greater Than 3 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day
3 hours ENGL 1301 Composition I
1 Hour LEAD 1100 Workforce Development with Critical Thinking Required Fall 2022: Generic Track, Nursing Transfer, and VC Re-entry Courses). Grade P/F/IP for Pass, Fail, In Progress.
3 hours Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
Select Only One:
Course Title:
Course Number:
Total Points
Total Hours
Nursing GPA Calculated with 28 Credit Hours
Total Points
Total Credits
Additional Nursing Courses
Courses/5 Credit Hours
GPA Chart
Not Valid if Greater Than 3 Years Before First ADN Program Class Day
Credit Hours
Year or Enrolled (IP)
Letter Grade
Per Course Attempts
RNSG 1115 Health Assessment
RNSG 1301 Pharmacology
RNSG 1146 Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing
Total Points
Total Hours
Nursing GPA Calculated with 28 Credit Hours and Additional Nursing 6 Credit Hours
Total Points
Total Credits
Recommended Course
Recommend courses allow a student to have additional points on the Vernon College Admission Point System Calculation (APSC) Rubric.

Credit Hours
Year or Enrolled (IP)
Letter Grade
Per Course Attempts
3 hours MATH
Select only one:
Additional Information for new applicants, Military to RN Transition, Nursing Transfer, ADN Re-admission, and ADN Re-entry Students (use select tab below to upload any additional documentation):
This information is NOT used in the admissions process in any way. It is used only for delineated nondiscriminatory reporting to comply with Federal and State mandates. Therefore, the completion of these items is voluntary.
Student Confirmation:
I am psychologically and physically capable of performing direct patient care and free of any communicable diseases that would be detrimental to the patient while performing direct patient care. I hereby authorize my Health Care Provider(s) to release my health records to this agency. I certify that all above statements on nursing application are true and correct. I understand re-admission and re-entry will be granted no more than one time.
I understand Vernon College nursing programs requires any student that applies to complete the Texas Board of Nursing Criminal Background Check process and provide verification of eligibility to take the NCLEX Exam. Detailed information is outlined in a email to the students email.

If unable to provide verification of eligibility, may jeopardize the admission status. Students may be allowed to attend program classes on a conditional basis and could result in loss of tuition, fees, other program expenses, and time.

Some clinical institutions do not allow students to attend rotations without a clear CBC, the student may be required to make up clinical dates following CBC clearance and/or may be unable to meet requirements to complete the program. If unable to complete the program, the student will not be eligible to take the NCLEX Exam for licensure and the nursing programs and/or Vernon College will not return any lost tuition, fees, and/or other expenses.
I understand that Vernon College prepares students for licensure/certification in the State of Texas (unless otherwise notated). It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they can take the licensure/certification exam in the career field of the State in which the student plans to work or live. Seats are limited.
I understand that my application is not valid until I receive a confirmation email from the Nursing Department. Confirmation of application will be sent to the applicant's VC Student email address.
I understand ADN applicants are reviewed in order of application groups:
  • ADN New Applicants
  • ADN Re-admission Applicants
  • ADN Re-entry Applicants/In-Program Transfer Applicants
  • ADN Nursing Transfer Applicants
I understand acceptance to the nursing program is tentative, pending final review of program requirements and completion of eScreen (drug screening) with negative results.
I understand Vernon College nursing programs requires accepted students to purchase a device for use with ExamSoft and Nursing Central. Electronic devices are used in clinical and classroom settings.
  • ExamSoft for Classroom Courses (select from only one device)
  • Nursing Central for Clinical Applications (select from only one device)
    • Devices
      • Android
        • Tablet
          • Device Requirements
            • Android device running OS 7.0 or higher
            • All major web browsers
              • Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari
      • Apple IOS
        • iPad
          • Device Requirements
            • iPad device running iOS 12.2 or higher
            • All major web browsers
              • Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari
      • Devices Not Compatible
        • Android Phones
        • iPhones
        • Amazon Fire Tablet
Vernon College nursing programs accepted students may be required to travel to fulfill clinical competencies and may be more than or approximately 1 hour from class location.
* Applicant's Full Name:
* Date:
Click here to print
I have printed a copy of this application for my records.
Selection of nursing students is based on the number of applicants, the Vernon College ADN Program Admission Point System, and receipt of application paperwork in the Nursing Department by the application deadline. Because the selection date is dependent upon many variables, the selection date may vary each semester. All applicants will receive a confirmation receipt by e-mail. Print a copy of this application for your records.

Vernon College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educational institution and employer. Its students are selected and/or assigned without regard to their race, age, color, gender, religion, national origin, or disability consistent with Titles IV, VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Titles IV and IX of the Higher Education Act as amended in 1972 and 1976, with Executive Order 11246 as amended by Executive Order 11375, Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (PL-93-112), and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Vernon College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Vernon College.
*Hitting the back button/refreshing the page during the application process will cause any uploaded documents to be lost and you will be required to re-upload documents.*